Monday, September 10, 2007

A Quick Catch-Up

Hi, everybody! It's me, Helen. Chris is grocery shopping while I take a "day off" and watch Clara and Rosemary. I figured since he hadn't taken his laptop I might be able to squeeze in a quick post while the girls nap.
School's back in session and Chris has been doing so much writing, and I've been doing so much working, it's been hard to coordinate a time for blogging. So let's get started!

First are some pictures of a vegetable cart. This co-op farm is about a country block from our place. You can walk by anytime and pick out fresh, local, organic vegetables, and drop your money into the safe. If you actually buy shares of the farm and put in four hours of work per season, you can walk through and pick out your own veggies straight from the vine. We've had a wonderful variety of foods we had never tried before, like leeks, and green zebra striped tomatoes, different kinds of potatoes and squash.

Chris loves to prepare creative dinners, or "experiments," as he calls them. He is the family chef. I would get a picture of him cooking, but he doesn't like me in the kitchen while he's working. He says, "I want to surprise you. It's all about presentation!" I think he just gets annoyed by my constant "tasting." But the man is making us dinner, so I won't argue!

Clara has just devoured an entire sunflower butter and jelly sandwich. She has sticky cheeks and a satisfied smile.

My Rosemary. She had fallen the day before and cut her lip on the asphault. She did bleed a bit, but she just never stops smiling. That adorable smart alec smile.

A lazy New England garden. Gorgeous. This is on our way to the veggie cart.


The bees are different here. But doesn't that look a little like a golden poppy? Home sweet home.

The girls playing in their room. They like to play behind the bed because I can't see them from the door. Sneaky Monkeys.

Rosemary's new ride. Beep beep, beep beep, yeah!

Thank you, Uncle Mark, for my birthday present! Clara tried vaulting the gate the first couple of days it was up, then we taught her how to open it herself. Children should be kept in a cage. Unless they have to poopy.

Rain drops on every needle of pine. What a beautiful day for a walk! (It's raining as I type this, but the weather is a bit colder now.)

The lobby of Starbucks, Amherst. After seeing a picture of the outside (earlier post) my mom commented that it looks more like an old house than a coffee shop. Yup. In the basement there is a tattoo parlor on one side and a bistro/bar on the other. Upstairs... somebody's apartment. Oh yeah. Someone *lives* upstairs from Starbucks. I wonder how much the rent is? And the place next door in this picture is a mortuary.

Roses and Mommy at the bus stop. It's a lovely summer evening, and we've just done our grocery shopping. (Notice the backpack strap on my shoulder?) Having a car will make shopping much easier, but we love walking, being outside, and what great shape we're in now!

Clara & Roses blow kisses and throw hearts! These are two loving girls.

And to close this wonderful post, most likely the best picture ever taken of me. Mommy gets home from work and snuggles her babies :) :) :)