Tuesday, July 3, 2007

The Adventures of 4 Californians in Massachusetts

Hello Family and Friends! I'm glad to finally get this thing started. I feel as though every day has been the length of a novel, but I will give you a brief synopsis of the last two weeks.
Moving 3,000 miles with two little girls, setting up a home from scratch, getting to know a brand new city with strange traffic signals and the occasional unposted street name, learning to grocery shop without a car, going back to work, living out of suitcases until we can get furniture, pizza places that don't deliver after 10PM, and "what's with all the trees?!!"....has left me very little space for thought or culture shock.
I put pictures of Clara and Roses first, because I knew Gramma and Papa would be uninterested in abundant trees and historic buildings without the beautiful grandkids front and center! The camera was hiding in one of our suitcases for a while, so I've got a lot of catching up to do. This post will mostly be pictures for now. I hope to give smaller, more frequent updates. I've got many picture layouts already planned, and my head won't stop its internal monologue for the journaling. I made sure to take photos of the Post Office for Dad, a Victorian home for Mom, the local Starbucks, and our favorite bookstore (one of many in this tiny town).There's a steepled church on every block, a couple of old -old- cemeteries, and Emily Dickinson is ubiquitous. There is a large steepled church in the background of a picture of the girls playing at a park; the church is across the street from Emily Dickinson’s home.


mom said...

That's a Starbucks? Looks like a historical house. Is that where you work?

I miss you all but seeing pictures of the girls brought tears to my eyes. Clara looks so much like you when you were her age. I can' help wondering where did all the time go? I remember coming home from the drive-in with all three of you children sleeping in a tangled mess in the back set. You father would untangle you one-by-one and carry you to your beds.

You may feel as if these full and hectic days will last for ever, but they won't and you will miss them.

Love you all, Mom

Papa said...

So Mom, how long can we stay during our vacation? Regardless, it will not be long enough. See you in mid-October.

Papa said...

I like that..."Papa said..."!!!

Michelle said...

hey there my distant friends! the pictures are soo cute! i'm glad to see your making the most of your new adventure!

Unknown said...

Helen, don't stop him from showing your pictures. You are too cute! I like them. Nice town, nice school, very pretty place. When do you get your car? Love to see you all.... love to the little ones.
'Green' Grandma! P.S. Happy Birthday Helen next Wed.

Papa said...

Are you still looking here? You'll never know where I'll blog next!