Saturday, July 7, 2007

It Rained On Our Parade!

Oh my, what a Fourth of July! It was so exciting, it took me until the 7th to write about it!
We started the afternoon with a nice lunch at our favorite deli/coffee shop, The Black Sheep. Then we wound the girls up with some yummy vegan brownies! They were exultant. They scarfed every last crumb in a Cornholionic craze. (Ask my brothers, Mark or Jeremy, if you do not understand the reference.) Then it was off to the parade!!
It was a lovely small-town parade, with police and fire departments from a few surrounding towns participating.

There were Massachusetts Minutemen.

Clara looked inspired. Ever the social butterfly, she treated waving to people as if were an honor and responsibility. She’s a smart girl. They throw more candy to the attention-getters.

Rosemary blew kisses, and looked a bit puzzled. She was probably wondering why more people weren’t looking at her being cute. What’s the big deal about a bunch of cars on the street, anyway?

Then we heard bagpipes coming.

Connelly happy. ☺

One thing worth noting about this event was the giant recycling bin as part of the parade!

There were people holding signs with facts about recycling, and you can bet that there weren’t many water bottles left along the street after the parade was over. The kid with the tricycle is adorable.
The parade hadn’t quite finished by Roses’ naptime.

She struggled bravely to keep her eyes open.
When we left, we had to walk two miles to the football field. The buses weren’t running, but the walk isn’t nearly as long as it sounds. Except when you get caught unprepared in a downpour.
The rain was coming down so hard that it was difficult to hear the bands that were playing. But this band, Blackberry Jam, was so cute!

Those little kids on the guitar could really rock!
But alas…

The parking lot was emptying as people began to go home.

Clara met a friend while we were taking shelter under a tree. We had nothing to do but tough it out and walk two more miles home. There are no more pictures here because I didn’t want the camera to get soaked. Our California jackets were slightly inadequate, but once we got the proper arrangement of how to cover the baby, and who gets to push the stroller, carry the umbrella, wear the baseball hat… it was actually quite enjoyable. It lightened up some as we walked, and Chris and I taught Clara the old School House Rock version of The Preamble to the Constitution. Rosemary just smiled and looked around. She seems to Love the cool weather.
We got home, threw off our wet gear, and gave the girls a nice, hot bath. We ate PBJs while we watched the fireworks out our back window. It was beautiful. We are so proud of our girls for staying so happy through the whole evening.


hayley said...

hey guys!
kendra gave me the link to your blog and i finally figured out how to spell connelly! hope you guys are having a blast, it looks so fun! anyways keep in touch, my emal is and i have dont be a stranger!
ps- tell clara i said hi!!!

Unknown said...

Hey Guys, the blog looks great. I'm envious of you guys out there and us stuck here in California. Looks like you are having a great time! :)

Papa said...

The girls look like they were drenched with joy. Happy times.