Wednesday, August 8, 2007


We've been very busy and haven't had time to work on the blog. Don't think for a minute that we don't miss you all. We thin and talk about home often. This post is really a mixed bag of pics we've collected over the past two months that we needed to get up. I didn't post all of them, as I wanted to save some for Helen. But I've tried to put a lot. Unfortunately, there are not a whole lot of the girls in this one. That's the sort of stuff I wanted to leave for Helen. Basically, I've tried to fill the holes here. Helen has been very busy working and trying to help get the house together.

The skies above our house. I love the skies here. They have a personality - show emotion.

This is someone's yard. It is on a street we often walk.

Nice house, also on that street.

This house was for sale until last week. It was so hard to walk past it - obviously empty, FOR SALE sign swinging in the breeze. We both love this place. I hope the people who bought it do too.

The next section is a collection of pics from my favorite person. I've been grabbing them where I can. I hope she leaves these on here. I think they are great. Let her know what you think.

At Bueno y Sano, "Good and Healthy," one of our favorite restaurants

Rolling her eyes, as I'm sure she is doing now. I wonder where Clara gets it.

This is my HAROLD FUND. I put all my extra change in it so that I can fly my best bud out to see me. So far: 78 cents. It may be a while, Harold. Love ya bro

Two from Starbucks...

Helen liked this one.

This guy was a revolutionary war hero. I took it because it seemed to say much more about the present America than it does about the past.

Nice place to be buried, I'd say.

Okay, there are two churches across from one another on North Pleasant Street in downtown. Which one seems to better echo the message of humility and service?

The Universal Unitarian Church. (Note: The flag out front is flown on several of the Churches in town. It is a gay marriage state after all).

Saint Brigid's Catholic Church. Okay, this is a joke. But still, look at the next pic...

Here's the real pic, without the doom and gloom. Sure, it's pretty and all, but...where's the flag? Where's the humility? It's hard not to think this when you're between them.

Clara doing number 2!
A local guy taught Clara this and it's so cute!
She says, "Roses, number-two-peace means, please-be-quiet!"

Clara on the Bus

This is a pic w a closeup right next to it. We saw this at Starbucks. It is the biggest Mosquito I've ever seen! It had to be nearly two inches long!!



Near the park

The jungle behind the park

Daddy and Roses

Daddy and Roses again.

The see-saw

Helen take the most beautiful pictures!

The other day I was looking at the blog and I noticed that we hadn't posted any pictures of the sole reason for out 3,000 mile trek. So, Here's new school.

Uh oh! They have gangs here too!

I think we're trespassing on their turf.

Looks like that East Coast/West Coast rivalry is 4 real!

They better watch out. They don't know who they're messing with.

AAAAHHHRRRRRR!!!!! Roses and Daddy are ready to rumble!

Mommy and Roses are gonna take 'em out!

"Chickens!" Clara yells from behind Mommy, as the gang's leader, The Goose, charges down the path to settle things.

"Okay, time to leave, Mommy!" Clara says.

Ah! The skies!

Meanwhile, Mommy and the kids head for the hills.

MORE SCHOOL PICS...Enjoy the tour. I'm taking a break from typing

Okay everyone, this is it. We miss youall terribly. We love you. We wish you were all here to experience this with us. What a wonderful adventure it's been so far! Please stay in touch. We're busy, but we're never too busy. Call us. Write us. Leave us messages and posts. We really need them. Having a home has helped, but for the most part, we all feel like we are floating. We don't feel grounded because we don't know where anything is more than four miles away and we don't have any close friends - though we have met a few people.

Anyway, later. And remember...



hayley said...

so cute! ive been waiting for a new post! looks like you guys are having an adventure out there!

michaelnau said...

Hi Chis, Helen and kids,
You all look great and must be having the time of your lives in the humid greenness of MA--the summer lasts only a few more weeks and then you will literally smell the season turn and cold air come down from the north. Find out about the apple festivals in your area--maybe you will have your car by then. And when you do, plan a day trip to my hometown of 'Bahstan' (stopping at Walden Pond on the way o' course!). Best, Michael, Erin, "and kids."

Auntie Molly said...

It is truly difficult to look at all this and not cry, but the important thing is that in every picture I see there is a strong sense of family.I would rather the ache of missing all of you, than the pain of watching you not live your dreams. When you are missing us, think of ...the root of all evil in the universe...the black hole of America ...the other Bermuda Triangle that people go into and never come out of ...otherwise known as ...

The Inland Empire Strikes Back!!!
(coming to theatres soon)

papa said...

Happy Birthday Helen!
We love you!!!
Mom & Dad

Michelle said...

Hey guys! i love the new pics minus the mosquitos! yikes! Hope things are going well! Still saving money to come see you guys! Can't wait for the new entry!

papa said...

We want more! We want more! We want more!